It is Easter. A day of joy and hope and remembrance. We see new life all around us in the trees and flowers, and we celebrate new life in our faith. In my denomination, when we make a decision to give our lives to the Lord, we symbolize it with baptism. I'm not talking about a half-hearted sprinkle, I'm talking about a full-bodied dunking. You can't sneak in a little baptism without anybody noticing, you emerge from the baptismal pool soaking wet! It takes commitment, and courage. It is a day of great seriousness and life-long meaning. But by it's very nature it lends itself to snafus!
I remember the Sunday I was baptized. I was a child, and younger than most when I made the commitment. It was a heart-felt decision and completely genuine, even though I was smaller in stature than most baptismal candidates. They placed a large wooden block at the bottom of the baptistery so that my head would poke out above the water until the time of the actual dunking. (It is never good when someone goes under before their cue). I excitedly walked down the steps of the baptismal pool, but the block was too far away for me to reach until I took a few steps. Rather than wait in a dignified manner to be helped to the block I did what I always did in a swimming pool that was too deep for me, I bobbed enthusiastically from my toes as I swam/jumped to the center and my safety box. I did wonder why the usually serious crowd was laughing, but I was too excited to care. The rest of the event went just as planned. I was thrilled. It makes me happy to remember the funny moments like this because I happen to know that the inventor of the sense of humor is God, himself. Don't you think it makes him smile when we enjoy life?

My sketchy memory wants to attribute this story to Rick Thompson who told us this happened to him when he was a young seminary student, pastoring a small congregation who did not have a baptistery To the joy of the church, an elderly man in the community came to know Jesus and was to be included in their baptism at the river. The man was quite old and frail, but excited to be baptized. When his time came, he waded out to where Rick was standing. Not an easy task since there had been recent rains and the river was moving along at a brisk pace. Rick grabbed his arm to help him in place and lowered him in the water proclaiming, "Buried to new life in Christ...." But as he tried to help the man up out of the water, he could no longer feel him. HE WAS GONE! He frantically looked all around and suddenly 20 feet down stream the old man popped up out of the water! Rick pointed his arm at him and confidently shouted, "Raised to walk in newness of life!"
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