My parents just celebrated their 89th and 90th birthdays and they both exhibit great humor and a joy of living that infects everyone in their path. They are the ones who taught me to look at life with humor and joy. Last week as they sat visiting with family members after dinner in a restaurant, my father reflected, "Maybe I SHOULD consider Assisted Living..." My nurturing and quiet mother quickly replied, "You've had assisted living all your life!" The most humorous statements always carry an element of truth. I laughed hysterically at this one!

They have been known to exit a nice restaurant after eating dinner and encourage those waiting in line with these words, "There's nothing left, but ya'll go ahead, enjoy!" These kinds of comments bring smiles to total strangers. The atmosphere just lightens up. He gets a similar reaction on hot Texas days when he walks into an air conditioned building and confides to those he sees, "I don't believe the air conditioning is working out there."
So what happens when a man of such humor makes a public mistake? Usually we share a public laugh. I love remembering the time my father was the guest preacher at one of his best friend's church. I happened to be a member there and my friend, Darlyne (the pastor's daughter and consequently also a long time friend who was like family) sang the special music before the message. The song was so beautiful and worshipful. My father led the congregation in a prayer immediately after the music and thanked God for the church, and his dear, dear friend (the pastor) and the beautiful music sung by.....(extremely long pause) "The one whose name you know better than I". In our denomination we don't typically laugh during the prayer. But on this occasion, there was heartfelt, all-inclusive laughter right in the middle of the prayer. You should probably know that Darlyne eventually married my brother, David, and is an actual family member now.

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