Let me set the scene for you. Japan in the mid-sixties was a place with a frantic pace of modern development at every turn. A high speed rail system, sky-scrapers, Nikon, Sony and a multitude of other companies were growing at a dizzying speed. But in odd corners here and there were still pockets of the old world. One of these old world oddities was "Honeybucket". How do I explain this to you? A few

random farmers clung to the old methods of fertilizing their fields by contracting with collectors of human waste. This prized commodity was transported in covered wooden buckets. It was not difficult to tell when the "Honeybucket" man was near because the odor wafted out in front of him like an announcement for what was coming. Occasionally there were just two buckets dangling from both sides of a wooden yoke. As he approached, the honey bucket man called out some sort of exclamation. I never knew if he was trying to find a buyer for his unusual wares or if he was warning people of the stench. Even rarer was the glimpse of a Honey bucket cart, where the hard-working transport man pulled an entire wagon full of these distinctive containers.
This "Honeybucket" had to end up somewhere. We discovered exactly where when we moved to Chofu, which was (at least back then) on the outskirts of Tokyo. Tucked among the fields of produce on the neighboring farms, were earthen reservoirs filled with "Honey Bucket" sort of like swimming pools where the farmers mixed their own concoction of waste, soil and mysterious liquids right in the ground. The evil brew would crust over, deceiving the unsuspecting soul into thinking it was solid ground.
As an adolescent, I knew that there was no one to be admired more than my big sisters and their cool friends. Shirley was the dark-haired beauty and Lynda, the gorgeous blonde. They were never unkind to me (well....except for those times they told me I was adopted), but I was the pesky younger sister, so I rarely got to enjoy their adventurous escapades. It seemed they were always doing something wondrous and exciting with friends who were laughing and having fun.
One day Shirley and her friends Melinda and Barbara set out on one of their adventures. They were armed with one Walkie Talkie and Johnny and Billy had the other. The guys, being clueless about the interest of girls were merely concerned with testing the range of the devices, while the girls were more interested in spying on the boys. Johnny and Billy sat inside a "soba" shop (noodle shop) amazed that the wakie talkies were so clear when the girls were supposed to be at Melinda's house. Little did they know that the girls lurked right outside of the soba shop. The girls were very proud of themselves until they realized that the guys were about to hop on their bikes and go to Melinda's house. They took off running to try and beat them there. They had to find a way to improve their odds, so they decided to cut through a farm field. The girls saw a big concrete platform about the size of a king-sized bed and Shirley, who was in the lead, stepped up on the edge and ran around the outside perimeter. This is where their stories differ a bit. Shirley insists that she called out, "Watch out for the Honeybucket!", but strangely neither Melinda nor Barbara heard it. (Now is a good time for those of you with weak stomachs to quit reading)
Melinda, being a very practical girl stepped up on the block and started straight across. She made it more than half way before she started sinking. That is when she realized that this was not a concrete platform at all, it was the crusty top of a pool of Honeybucket! She sank to her armpits, and held the walkie talkie high above her head. Now, where was Barbara? She was no where in sight! Barbara was shorter so she had climbed up onto the "platform" but her arms plunged straight through the crust and she fell in head first! All the way in.
Shirley was still balancing on the edge of the narrow rim around the cess pool when she saw the others splashing around in the Honeybucket. Meanwhile, Melinda's life was flashing before her eyes, so she began yelling into the walkie talkie for help. The boys heard the panicked cries, hopped on their bikes to rescue the girls that they feared were being attacked. Barbara popped up through the surface and backed her way out of the crap and rolled to the ground, which unfortunately was actually a country highway. Imagine the surprise of the truck driver who came to a stop when he saw what looked like a tree trunk that was slowly walking with its arms stretched out to its sides. Add to that image, the intense smell that permeated from it!
About the time Melinda was pulling herself out of the Honeybucket, Billy and Johnny arrived on their bikes. Where were the attackers? Why were the girls covered in brown gunk? The Japanese couple who lived on the farm came outside to see what was causing the commotion. The woman could not quit exclaiming, "Ara, Ara!" (loosely translated, "What the heck?" but she said it like, "What are you doing in my Honeybucket!?") Billy tried to reassure her by saying, "Machigaishimashita!" (They made a mistake!) The woman kept her distance and no doubt drew some firm conclusions about the crazy foreigners.
There are so many more interesting details left untold in this story, but let me close by explaining that this was the day that my Goddess of a sister became human to me. I still admired both of my sisters, but somehow I realized that they were in fact fallible, and therefore even approachable. I may have felt that Shirley was more approachable, but apparently that was not the reaction of others as the word spread at school. The girls were the brunt of a silent and humorous campaign. When they were seen in the halls, the kids would scoot to the other side, as though driven by the smell.
Now every year or so my sisters and I try to get together for a sister trip. We still like adventures!

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